Poziv za posebno številko
We are delighted to announce the call for the Special Issue of the journal Anthropological Notebooks, to be published in 2025 or 2026. The call is open to diverse anthropological themes following an in-depth anthropological vigour, fine-grained ethnography and/or theoretical discussions. They may focus on contemporary issues or revisit some themes that have either been overshaded or set behind though they resonate with contemporary ways of being and dwelling in the world. The guest editor(s) will work closely with the journal's editorial team throughout the process.
For those interested in submitting a proposal for a Special Issue, please contact us with a proposal or an inquiry to ngregoric@zrc-sazu.si and musaraj@ohio.edu. OR If you have an idea for a special issue but do not have a full list of abstracts and contributors yet, please contact us to brainstorm options.
Proposal should contain:
1) Summary of the Special Issue (max 1000 words) with a concise overview of the proposed Special Issue, including:
- Rationale and significance of the theme
- theoretical framework and
- potential contribution to the AN readers.
2) Guest Editor(s) information: name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information, brief bio (100 words) highlighting relevant expertise.
3) List of contributions: author(s), tentative titles and abstracts (250-300 words)
Proposals should be submitted as a single file through the Anthropological Notebooks portal: https://anthropological-notebooks.zrc-sazu.si/Notebooks/information/authors
For any questions, please contact:
Natasa Gregoric Bon (ngregoric@zrc-sazu.si) and Smoki Musaraj (musaraj@ohio.edu)