Book Reviews - 2014, Volume 20, Number 1
1) Phillips, Lynne and Sally Cole: Contesting Publics. Feminism, Activism, Ethnography
2) Navaro-Yashin, Yael: Red Tape.The Make-Believe Space. Affective Geography in a Postwar Politya
3) Howes, David and Constance Classen: Ways of Sensing. Understanding the Senses in Society
4) Halilovich, Hariz: Places of Pain. Forced Displacement, Popular Memory and Trans-local Identities in Bosnian War-torn Communities
5) Sheller, Mimi: Citizenship from Below: Erotic Agency and Caribbean Freedom
6) Collier, Stephen: Post-Soviet Social: Neoliberalism, Social Modernity, Biopolitics
7) Billé, Franck, Grégory Delaplace and Caroline Humphrey: Frontier Encounters. Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border
8) Miller, Daniel and Sophie Woodward: Blue Jeans: The Art of the Ordinary
9) Ateljevic, Irena, Nigel Morgan and Annette Pritchard: The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Creating an Academy of Hope (Routledge Advances in Tourism)
10) Auyero, Javier: Patients of the State: The Politics of Waiting in Argentina
11) Hazel, Andrews and Les Roberts: Liminal Landscapes. Travel, Experience and Spaces In-between (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility Series)