Living in contrasting agricultural worlds and yet experiencing similar anxieties
Letn. 29 Št. 2 (2023)Guest editors: Duška Knežević Hočevar and Brandi Janssen
Changing Environments: Experiences and Knowledges
Letn. 28 Št. 3 (2022)Guest editor: Nataša Gregorič Bon
Towards a dialogical anthropology: Tribute to David Graeber
Letn. 27 Št. 3 (2021)Guest editors: Andrej Grubačić & Žiga Vodovnik
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 26 Št. 3 (2020)Special issue: Space and religious heritages
Guest editors: Anna Niedźwiedź and Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 26 Št. 2 (2020) -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 26 Št. 1 (2020)Posebna številka: Anthropology of protest against perceived injustice
Gostujoči urednik: Baris Cayli Messina -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 25 Št. 3 (2019) -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 25 Št. 2 (2019)Posebna številka: Dwelling on water
Gostujoči uredniki: Benjamin O. L. Bowles, Maarja Kaaristo, Nataša Rogelja Caf -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 25 Št. 1 (2019)Posebna številka: Fifty years of Ethnic Groups and Boundaries
Gostujoči uredniki: Marek Jakoubek, Lenka J. Budilová -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 24 Št. 3 (2018) -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 24 Št. 2 (2018) -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 23 Št. 3 (2017)Posebna številka: Landscape and heritage interplay
Gostujoči uredniki: Mario Katić, Nataša Gregorič Bon, John Eade -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 23 Št. 1 (2017)Posebna številka: Contributions to Political Anthropology
Gostujoča urednica: Ksenija Vidmar Horvat -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 21 Št. 3 (2015)Special Issue: Contributions to Media Anthropology
Guest Editors: Dejan Jontes and Breda Luthar -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 20 Št. 3 (2014)Special Issue: Doing Various Paths of Family Farming Development
Guest Editor: Duška Knežević Hočevar -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 20 Št. 1 (2014)Special Issue: Care for the Elderly
Guest Editor: Valentina Hlebec -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 19 Št. 2 (2013)Special Issue: Political Crime
Guest Editor: Bojan Žalec -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 16 Št. 3 (2010)Special Issue: Contributions to Anthropology of Dance
Guest Editor: Maruša Pušnik -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 16 Št. 1 (2010)Special Issue: Contributions to Anthropology of Tourism
Guest Editors: Tom Selwyn and Irena Weber -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 14 Št. 2 (2008)Special Issue: Contributions to Albanian Studies
Guest Editor: Nataša Gregorič Bon -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 14 Št. 1 (2008) -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 12 Št. 2 (2006)Special Issue: Contributions to Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education
Editor: Gregor Starc -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 12 Št. 1 (2006)Special Issue: Contributions to Anthropology of Food and Eating
Guest Editor: Liza Debevec -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 11 Št. 1 (2005)Special Issue: Contributions to Maya Archaeology
Guest Editor: Ivan Šprajc -
Anthropological Notebooks
Letn. 7 Št. 1 (2001)Special Issue: Contributions to the Physical Anthropology
Guest Editors: Tatjana Tomazo-Ravnik and Marija Štefančič